Search found 101 matches

by Gorthzûk
21 Feb 2011, 13:43
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Best Song (right now)
Replies: 1216
Views: 987041

by Gorthzûk
14 Feb 2011, 15:10
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Best Song (right now)
Replies: 1216
Views: 987041

Can't remember if I've posted this one already. Anyway it's a great song.
by Gorthzûk
25 Jan 2011, 16:59
Forum: The Inn
Replies: 325
Views: 336805

I don't use the inner rage at all. Can honestly say that I haven't even tried it yet :roll: It's a cool ability, and might give those extra 100-200 dps in a fight. But it can just as easily make you ragestarved which takes away the small benefit that you recieved from the start. I prefer to play it ...
by Gorthzûk
31 Dec 2010, 19:27
Forum: Recruitment
Topic: Kymzu
Replies: 4
Views: 15218

Nice guy that's a bit retarded.. but in a good way..

Good luck with the app mate, hope to see you in SM soon.
by Gorthzûk
21 Dec 2010, 10:43
Forum: The Inn
Topic: The almighty thread of funny stuff
Replies: 3014
Views: 2291049

by Gorthzûk
13 Dec 2010, 15:51
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Best Song (right now)
Replies: 1216
Views: 987041

Might have been posted before. But even so, nice song.
by Gorthzûk
06 Dec 2010, 13:32
Forum: Recruitment
Topic: Gorthzûk - Fury DPS
Replies: 25
Views: 47769

What is the singel most important factor too a warrior in the raid (think before you answer)? I would say "don't die" since as dead you won't contribute to the encounter. Btw are you planing too have mining in cata aswell? Probably yes. Might change later on when I have an alt that can fa...
by Gorthzûk
05 Dec 2010, 23:39
Forum: Recruitment
Topic: Gorthzûk - Fury DPS
Replies: 25
Views: 47769

Altarion: You asked earlier what kind of rotation I used and what I aimed for. A while back I wrote a nice little guide for fury warriors on Nidhögg's forum, but I can't seem to find it anymore. Plus, it was in swedish anyway so not sure linking it here would help much. Anyways, to summarize it dow...
by Gorthzûk
05 Dec 2010, 21:57
Forum: Recruitment
Topic: Gorthzûk - Fury DPS
Replies: 25
Views: 47769

Zim wrote:standard UI + Omen+Recount+Atlas loot. nothing more you need:D
DBM is nice though.. :)
by Gorthzûk
05 Dec 2010, 19:16
Forum: Recruitment
Topic: Gorthzûk - Fury DPS
Replies: 25
Views: 47769


Uploaded with

As you can see I try to keep it as close to the original as possible.
by Gorthzûk
05 Dec 2010, 18:59
Forum: Recruitment
Topic: Gorthzûk - Fury DPS
Replies: 25
Views: 47769

I see now why you reacted on my gem's. All my ArmP has been replaced with Crit for some reason. Don't ask me why, might have been a glitch from back when my account was hacked. Think im gonna send the GM's a ticket about this matter. Thanks for noticing. :) there is nothing wrong, arp went too crit...
by Gorthzûk
05 Dec 2010, 18:54
Forum: Recruitment
Topic: Gorthzûk - Fury DPS
Replies: 25
Views: 47769

I see now why you reacted on my gem's. All my ArmP has been replaced with Crit for some reason. Don't ask me why, might have been a glitch from back when my account was hacked.

Think im gonna send the GM's a ticket about this matter. Thanks for noticing. :)
by Gorthzûk
05 Dec 2010, 18:33
Forum: Recruitment
Topic: Gorthzûk - Fury DPS
Replies: 25
Views: 47769 Thanks for linking the armory. Just reactivated the account and spent my talents about an hour ago. In case you wonder why there is no specc visible. Yes I would like too see your talent tree, could you describe ...